Are you looking for growth, empowerment, well-being and self-expression, as well as increased peace and joy?
My skillful Voice Empowerment Coaching, Energy Healing, Creative Expression Support and Singing can help you.
I support you through transformative groups, courses, retreats and one-to-one sessions. You will discover a deeper and more authentic relationship with yourself, with your voice, your creativity and with the Divine – reconnecting with the miraculous Essence of Life and your beautiful Power
Empowering Voice Healing Retreat
You are invited to join a special transformative Heartsong Healing weekend retreats for women in Kapiti Coast, New Zealand, in August or December 2024.
Empowering Your Voice
Exploring Healing
To book a free 20 minute introductory conversation with me, please click the link below!
Meet Bryony
I heard: Your soul is in the water of my Love, immersed totally… It shall be so for all… as the quickening occurs in each.
These words came to me in 1999, as part of a massive outpouring of healing guidance, during a number of months when I experienced a profound and constant awareness of the divine harmony between all of life. This was the opening out of an awareness of a pure Divine Presence and interconnection, which has never left me, and which now informs my work as a Voice Coach, Energy Healer, Sound Healer, Singer and Writer. Originally from the Celtic lands of Albion, I now live and work in person in the Wellington district of NZ and internationally online.
The Golden Road: My Journey with Spirit
My book of the Divine guidance that started to come to me in volume in 1999 is available directly from me or at Amazon
We are excited to announce the winners of this competition run by Wellington Writers Walk and the Wellington Branch of New Zealand Society of Authors for Phantom Billstickers National Poetry Day 2023, in which Bryony Rogers (‘Evening Edge’) was awarded third place overall (Open category).
Bryony Rogers, originally from the UK, has had poems published in a number of magazines and collections over the past 25 years. Her work is currently available in an ebook collection, a hardback poetry inspiration journal, and a spiritual biography. She lives in Waikanae and works throughout the Wellington region as a Voice Coach, a Sound Healer, and a Reiki Master.
Bryony said: “I was drawn to the prompt line for the competition, and this poem just arose from that, based on an actual happening which had moved me. Like many of my poems, ‘Evening Edge’ explores a significant occurrence in nature, out of which a sense of the spiritual arises.”
Competition judge Janis Freegard said: “Bryony’s was a very physical poem about a dying sheep, against a backdrop of winter and birds. It’s a poem that raises deeper questions and has some good juxtapositions.”
This is one of the Sound Healing instruments you will love if you hear them in my Sound Healing sessions or during a meditation or ceremony during one of my in person or online events. These chimes work vibrationally on the etheric body to bring peace, healing and a sense of lightness.