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Nature Connection Journeys

Bryony has been privileged to live for five years in a beautiful and relatively wild area of the North Island of New Zealand (Otaki Gorge), and in rural Lancashire in Europe for much of the time before that.

During her earlier life, she spent much time in sacred sites throughout Europe, holding intuitive nature connection earth healing ceremonies, guided by Spirit and Gaia. She walked the Camino de Santiago in 2014.

She has spent many decades connecting deeply with nature, studying and practicing Celtic Shamanism and resonant deep indigenous understandings of the Spirit and wairua (Maori) of the land.

As part of Bryony’s work, she teaches groups and individuals to journey within nature to connect deeply to themselves and life force, and to the elements of the land. These journeys can bring clarity and answers to questions.

In these offerings, we work strongly with the powers of the land, the nature spirits, and the powerful energies of the life force. This spiritually focused nature connection is specially designed to create healing and positive transformation for all participants and beings – to bless the land and all of our lives

Bryony incorporates Nature Connection, Journeying, and Shamanic understanding into the Empowering Voice Retreats she holds in Kapiti Coast, New Zealand, and in the Northern UK, supporting you to strengthen your voice journey supported by nature.

Empowering Voice Healing Retreat

Bryony also teaches and facilitates the powerful practice of improvisation and singing in the wild, a practice which can become letting ourselves be sung and letting Nature sing through us. Here is a video which shows Bryony singing with Gulliver in the woods in Lancashire, and reflecting on the experience. This video was recorded in 2019.

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