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Online Courses

These wonderful online 5 week courses are held every six months. The next session is starting on November 9th 8.30am NZT. The course comprises five 90 minute live online sessions, and these happen either every week or every two weeks between NOVEMBER 9th and DECEMBER 15th.

Apart from the first call, the live online calls will be on Sunday morning NZST, from 8.30am-10am (7.30pm-9pm the evening before in UK).

These are the dates –

SATURDAY 9th November, (FRIDAY in Northern Hemisphere),

SUNDAY November 17th, (SATURDAY in Northern Hemisphere),

SUNDAY December 1st, (SATURDAY in Northern Hemisphere)

SUNDAY December 8th, (SATURDAY in Northern Hemisphere)

SUNDAY December 15th, (SATURDAY in Northern Hemisphere)

Wherever you live, you are welcome to join, and this course will boost your mood, energy, mental health and general well-being.

This course will support you in discovering, strengthening and learning to love your voice, and the healing and supportive power it can hold for you. It will increase your well-being, and impact your speaking voice and your general expressiveness as well as your singing voice. We will weave ritual and meditation into the opening of our voices and the deepening of the magic in our lives.

There will be no need to sound or sing in front of anyone else, to improve the sound quality we so this with the computer mute and you just sound and sing along with my voice.

Join for a weekly Online sharing of Heartsong Healing effective and enjoyable voice exercises, conscious sounding practices, singing, chanting, healing songs and meditation: an ONLINE WEEKLY HEARTSONG IMMERSON

This work is transformative for your well-being, your mood, your direction and focus in your life,
your ability to manifest your dreams.

A new, more embodied, empowered experience of your voice

Ability to speak up or sing out

Boost in your confidence and skill

Learn to use your voice to combat stress, anxiety or depression

Join for a weekly Online deep dive into powerful Heartsong Healing voice exercises, conscious sounding, singing, chanting and meditation: a healing ONLINE WEEKLY HEARTSONG IMMERSION

A recent client describes –

List item 1

Working with specific techniques in the sessions and then practicing during the week has made such a difference in my voice and confidence, I can’t believe it. Not only that, Bryony has introduced me to working with sound in an energetic way to clear and shift my energy, raise my energetic vibration and manifest my best life!

Jen Grange, Lakeland Wellbeing

There will be no need to sound or sing in front of anyone else, to improve the sound quality we so this with the computer mute and you just sound and sing along with my voice.

This course will begin at the WANING moon on FRIDAY / SATURDAY November 8th/9th and will run for 5 sessions at 8.30am NZT. This powerful live online course will be followed with practice materials and resources to continue and develop your practice after the course.

Facilitated from New Zealand at 8.30am on Sunday mornings, which is 7.30pm on Saturday evening for those in the UK. Starting November 8th/9th See your time for other time zones here.– replay and recordings all available

Investment is $444 NZD which is equivalent to £222 GBP-
for those in America it is approximately $240 USD.

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